The greatest fortune: the smallest project!
A girl of 14 years old, with a mutilated face has become a happy and beautiful girl of 16, after two corrective medical surgeries.
Mariamme did not only experience an exterior change, but one as well inside….
She is a charismatic girl full of joy and life, not hiding any more behind the tent-cloth of rags. The housing is very poor, clothes worn out, food insufficient, and the work tough.
But the sun shining in the Sahara, shines as well in the eyes of the people: they are touchingly proud of her being a supportive, friendly girl and opening up. She takes care of the small children in her family and helps her mother with tough jobs. Has fun with her peers and supports other inhabitants when necessary. No one recognizes her as the rigid, retreated and mostly silent child, filled with despair and foremost shame.
Her dream is to make tents: the traditional housing in the Sahara. Learning the craft is not expensive but the materials are.
We would like to buy the primary materials to support her to make a real housing for, and together with, her family.
Mariamme before the surgeries….. and after